
The Governing Body has responsibility for the effective management of the school. Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act together, not individually.

School governors are parents, staff at the school, LA and community representatives and business people.

They are appointed to:

  • set the schools strategic direction and ensure clarity of the schools vision and ethos.
  • hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school.
  • ensure financial health, probity and value for money.

The full Governing Body meets six times a year at School and parents are welcome to attend the open part of the meeting. Minutes of Governors meetings are available if parents wish to read them.  


Ms L Doman - Chair of Governors

Mr R Hopkins - Head Teacher

Mr S Quarrie - Vice Chair of Governors (Parent)

Mr S Chandrasekaran - Governor (Parent)

Mrs K Harris-Gurner - Governor

Reverend S Phillpot - Governor

Mr S Adams - Teaching Staff Governor

Mrs M Kaur - Clerk to Governors