Welcome to Silver Birch class 2023/ 24.

Our class teachers are Miss Spoto and Mr Adams.

Our teaching assistans are

Mrs Beale.

Please find below a link to our Year 5 Yearly overview for 2023 - 24

Year 5 Overview 23-24

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Points on Class Dojo

This year, to reward children for good behaviour or amazing work. The points will be on Class Dojo. At the end of each week, the children with the highest points will receive a treat from the class lucky dip box. 


Useful Maths links



We are working really hard on our times tables this year. 

We regularly use a fun website called Mathletics and other website below to consolidate our understanding in times tables and maths. You can also use them at home!. Just click on the link below and enter your username and password for Mathletics:



Time tables rockstars https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student


'Hit the button' on topmarks.co.uk https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you are not yet confident and fluent with all tables up to 12x12, then please continue to practice them.

 Here are some of the other brilliant websites we use in school to help us consolidate our learning:





Welcome to Silver Birch class 2023/ 24.

Our class teachers are Miss Spoto and Mr Adams.

Our teaching assistans are

Mrs Beale.

Please find below a link to our Year 5 Yearly overview for 2023 - 24

Year 5 Overview 23-24

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Points on Class Dojo

This year, to reward children for good behaviour or amazing work. The points will be on Class Dojo. At the end of each week, the children with the highest points will receive a treat from the class lucky dip box. 


Useful Maths links



We are working really hard on our times tables this year. 

We regularly use a fun website called Mathletics and other website below to consolidate our understanding in times tables and maths. You can also use them at home!. Just click on the link below and enter your username and password for Mathletics:



Time tables rockstars https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student


'Hit the button' on topmarks.co.uk https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you are not yet confident and fluent with all tables up to 12x12, then please continue to practice them.

 Here are some of the other brilliant websites we use in school to help us consolidate our learning:





Welcome to Silver Birch class 2023/ 24.

Our class teachers are Miss Spoto and Mr Adams.

Our teaching assistans are

Mrs Beale.

Please find below a link to our Year 5 Yearly overview for 2023 - 24

Year 5 Overview 23-24

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Points on Class Dojo

This year, to reward children for good behaviour or amazing work. The points will be on Class Dojo. At the end of each week, the children with the highest points will receive a treat from the class lucky dip box. 


Useful Maths links



We are working really hard on our times tables this year. 

We regularly use a fun website called Mathletics and other website below to consolidate our understanding in times tables and maths. You can also use them at home!. Just click on the link below and enter your username and password for Mathletics:



Time tables rockstars https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student


'Hit the button' on topmarks.co.uk https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


If you are not yet confident and fluent with all tables up to 12x12, then please continue to practice them.

 Here are some of the other brilliant websites we use in school to help us consolidate our learning:


